Muslim Youth Fellowship

UARR is currently taking applications for Fellows interested in the Muslim Youth Fellowship this Fall! Deadline to apply is July 30th. 

View the posting for details. 

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Muslim Youth Fellowship

Fellows complete 12-week placements with members of Toronto City Council, serving Toronto's diverse communities through duties such as case work, event planning, communications, and administrative support. Before and during their placements, fellows undergo extensive training, through monthly, day-long workshops on topics ranging from advocacy and campaigning to effective networking and building meaningful professional relationships. Fellows also benefit from one one-on-one mentorship and support in personal and professional development. Lastly, they team up to design and lead a project which tangibly addresses outstanding social or education needs that they see within their community, allowing them to have a lasting impact through their work.


Part time, Temporary: 8-12 hours/week for 12 weeks, Sep-Dec 2021.



● Enrolled in or recently completed a university degree (or equivalent)

● Demonstrated sustained civic engagement

● Involvement in Muslim community improvement or development

● An understanding of civic issues faced by the Muslim Canadian community and the Canadian community at large

● Flexible weekday availability for the duration of the placement (March to June 2019) for 12 hours per week

● Eligible to work in Canada


Compensation Range: $15/hour


To apply, you will require:

1. An updated resume

2. A cover letter: please describe to us your skills and experience, your interests, and what you hope to get out of the fellowship/expectations (1-page maximum)

3. Three professional references, including one from any political work or volunteering: please provide the full name, professional/job title, their relationship to the applicant, email, and a phone number.

Click Here to Apply Online.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

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Address: 305 Milner Ave, Suite 908, Toronto, ON M1B 3V4

Special Thanks to Our Funding Partners

Ontario Trillium Foundation
Status of Women Canada