RJE Related Materials

Attached is a list of relevant resources to topics discussed in Urban Alliance's Racial Justice in Education (RJE) Summit


DISCLAIMER: This is not an extensive list of related materials. This is a working list in which Urban Alliance on Race Relations is working to add and modify. We are sharing it for your consideration. The inclusion within this list does not mean it is an endorsement of the content by Urban Alliance on Race Relations. If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns please email [email protected]

A progress report on Indigenous Education in Publicly Funded Schools in Ontario by People for Education shows that publicly funded schools in Ontario have made significant progress towards Indigenous education over the last decade but we still have a long way to go to fulfill the education-related Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.


Access the full resource here:

A progress report on Anti-Racism Policy Across Canada by People for Education shows gaps and inconsistencies in implementation of anti-racism and equity strategies across Canada, and particularly in publicly funded schools across Ontario.


Read the full resource here:

The Racialized Poverty in Education and Learning Fact Sheet by Colour of Poverty explores how racialized people are disadvantages in education.


Read the full resource here. 

The resource on Addressing Islamophobia by the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) explores _____.  


Read the full resource here. 

Naming Systemic Racism, Acknowledging Complicity and a Commitment to Action: Anti-Asian Racism in the York District School Board (YRDSB) by Dr. Mary Reid & Dr. Ardavan Eizadirad explore important steps to tackle anti-Asian racism in the YRDSB. 


Read the full resource here. 

Racism, eh? Interactions of South Asian Students with Mainstream Faculty in a Predominantly White Canadian University by Edith Samuel and Shehla Burney explore the experiences of South Asian students and how racism can manifest itself within Canadian universities. 


Read the full resource here. 

Discipline & Punishment: The Impact of Policies on Children by Jessica Vassiliou explores how the disparities discipline across the Toronto District School Board will be analyzed and understood as a product of institutional inequalities that are ingrained in the structure of the education system, pedagogy, and practice.


Read the full resource here.

The Enhancing Equity Task Force's report by the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) includes findings and recommendations to help ensure that the framework of “equity for all” is infused within the TDSB. 


Read the full resource here. 

Towards Race Equity in Education by York University, African Canadian Legal Clinic (ACLC) and the Ontario Alliance of Black School Educators (ONABSE) analyzes and provides recommendations to improve the school of Black students in the Greater Toronto Area. 


Read the full resource here. 

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